Monday, March 27, 2017

Or-Danged If You Do, Or-Danged If You Don't

(Honorary) Dr. John F. Tuttle, Jr.
District Superintendent
Far Right Oklahoma District
Church of the Nasterine

"Panhandling our hardest for Christ."

District Assembly is just a few months away, and that means it’s a beloved time of year for myself and those on the District Advisory Board: time for ordination candidates to be dragged to a centralized church for mostly meaningless interviews so we can announce our list of ordinands that we decided on months ago! We have a wonderful batch of five candidates this year, and even though it’s unlikely that they’ll change our minds from the preconceived notions we had before their interview, I’d like to introduce you to them and offer them helpful hints, because tradition is important to us: no sense sawing through the branch you’re sitting on.

Karlie & Bart Bonhoeffer have been at Wheeless Church of the Nasterine for almost four years now, which is three and a half years longer than any of the bets guesses at the District Pool had as likely for a female to stay in Wheeless as a senior pastor. Karlie’s husband Bart is a stay-at-home dad who takes care of their daughters Krystilinn and Gynifur. In case any of you were on the fence about Karlie’s qualifications, she grew up in Portland, Oregon. Need I say more?

Chase Funkhauser (who is single, strike one) studied philosophy alongside theology in his undergrad (strike two) and has been serving as our interim pastor at Balko Church of the Nasterine where we have so far received zero complaints about the job he is doing from the pastor of the Apostolic Faith Church (strike three). It’s unlikely we’ll ever ordain Chase on our district, but we’re happy to string him along for a few more years and underpay him for the work that he’s doing. It may not be the best thing for Chase, but it’s the cheapest thing for the District, and isn’t that what matters in the long run: saving the kingdom money?

Steve and Gillie Hannigan have been serving as senior pastor and children’s pastor at Beaver Church of the Nasterine, and I must say that their puppet ministry is one of the most delightful things to come out of this district since the founding of our annual tradition of target practice with Satanic music like KISS and Pat Boone! Their puppets are what Sesame Street should be: clean, wholesome fun with no liberal agenda. I would say that these two are the only candidates who even have a prayer of making it through the process this year.

Benny Rooster is a faith healer and evangelist who travels throughout our region. He and his wife Susan attend our Buffalo church when they are not traveling, and he has been seeking ordination in our denomination for several years despite our repeatedly informing him that we are not Charismatic. But, whether it comes to advice from the District Advisory Board or desperate pleas from the man in the wheelchair who really can’t just stand up, Benny has never been great at listening.

And now, some useful advice for the candidates. *DING* Oh, drat! That sound means we’re out of time. I guess the advice for our potential ordinands will have to wait until after the interview when it is no longer useful.

Ordination is a privilege, not a right,
Rock Doc T

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