Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Because Tea is for Ladies and Brits

(Honorary) Dr. John F. Tuttle, Jr.
District Superintendent
Far Right Oklahoma District
Church of the Nasterine

"Panhandling our hardest for Christ."

Truly and I sure do love our morning cup of coffee. There’s something wonderful about getting up early for a long day of judging and criticizing that starts with a hot cup of joe. That’s why I’m so excited about this new advertisement from The Nasty Pub:

God continues to reveal himself in further and more magnificent ways. In the days of the Patriarchs, God moved with Abraham and sought to bless him as a great nation. Then, God revealed himself further with a name and guidance for holy living and practices at Sinai. Then, God revealed himself as Trinity in the New Testament: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But, with branding what it is and the continued addition of coffee bars to our churches nationwide, we at the Nasterine Publishing House have heard the voice of God moving and have responded with a new publication:

Rebranding the Third Member of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Beans
“How coffee has replaced the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church”

By celebrated author Harry Tick, well known for his many previous books, including FIRST! An Internet Troll’s Guide to The Arian Controversy, Filioque: Why the East and the West Aren’t Fighting about Horses and Trees, Docetism: Why You Can’t Hug God, and Pelagianism: Because Original Sin is Depressing and You Like Yourself, this new book explores what has already become a reality in many churches: the Holy Spirit is out, and Sumatra Dark Roast is in. Coffee flows more freely in our churches than the Spirit moves, so why not embrace this new reality by canonizing it? In this book, Rev. Tick explores the history of the movement of the Spirit, from the early church at Pentecost all the way up to *sigh* Charismatic traditions like the Pentecostals. But don’t worry about speaking in tongues! You’ll be too busy enjoying our new line of cross-promotional coffee flavors:

The Way, The Truth, and the Light Roast:
Coffee for the Christian who needs to feel things again

That’s right! Who needs to be empowered by the Spirit when you have our favorite drug, caffeine? Try all 8 of our different blends*:
  •  Arabian Nights (certified Muslim-Free!)
  • Epiphany & Revelation (both extra-caffeinated!)
  • Freedom Vanilla
  • Pentacosta Rican
  • Damascus Road (so good, you’ll see God or money back—guaranteed!)
  • Bel and the Dragon Blend
  • Ethiopian Eunuch (for you caffeine-free nutjobs!)

How much would you expect to pay for such delicious coffee and such a rich theological exploration that will convince your friends you’re smarter than you look? Normally, this book costs almost $50 ($49.99, plus praying + judging), and these exquisite designer coffees usually go for $30 a half pound. But, if you act now, you can get the book and a full pound bag of each of these wonderful coffees for the low, low price of only $199.99: you can’t beat a deal like that! Act now, and we’ll throw in a copy of Harry Tick’s complete collected works for only another $50! Order in bulk to stock your church’s coffee bar and you’ll be the envy of every LifeChurch in town.

*All our coffees are fair-trade, but we do force the growers to convert before we’ll do business with them.

How wonderful. Order yours today, so I’ll see it the next time I stop by your church to make you nervous see how things are going. Until then, keep getting high on God!

Your friendly neighborhood caffeine junkie,
Rock Doc T

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