Sunday, October 29, 2017


(Honorary) Dr. John F. Tuttle, Jr.
District Superintendent
Far Right Oklahoma District
Church of the Nasterine

"Panhandling our hardest for Christ."

Rock Doc T here with another Peculiar Pete classic that’s been stuck in my head for weeks now.

“Narcissitaville” (To the tune of “Margaritaville”)

I won the election,
But still I’m detecting
There’s some folks who think that I don’t have a clue.
Ignore ‘em all; build me a wall,
Remind them I’m rubber and they are glue.

Life is so lonely here in Narcissitaville
Searching for my next verbal assault.
Some people claim that I have gone insane,
But I know that it’s Obama’s fault.

Tweetin’ at sunrise,
Oh what a surprise—
The liberal media’s spreading fake news.
But I’m such a genius,
With such a big…pair of hands,
I’ll fix the whole country and I’ll fix it soon.

Life is so lonely here in Narcissitaville
Searching for my next verbal assault.
Some people claim that I have gone insane,
But I know that it’s Hillary’s fault.

Fighting dictators,
Insulting my haters:
Women, Muslims, Blacks, and Mexicans.
But it’s all a distraction
So I can take action
And lower taxes for all my rich friends.

Life is so lonely here in Narcissitaville
Searching for my next verbal assault.
Some people claim that I have gone insane,
But I know that it can’t be my fault.
Yes, and Some people claim that I have gone insane,
But I know it’s everyone else’s fault.

Some say our beloved President Trump is a Narcissist, but is it really narcissism if you really are just the best at everything?

Wishing you happiness and a small loan of a million dollars,

Rock Doc T

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