Friday, September 8, 2017

School Blessings and Book Burnings

(Honorary) Dr. John F. Tuttle, Jr.
District Superintendent
Far Right Oklahoma District
Church of the Nasterine

"Panhandling our hardest for Christ."

I’ve never in my life been so moved by tragedies surrounding us; so much suffering and uncertainty about tomorrow really puts things in perspective. But, I’m confident we can persevere. I believe that even though this tragedy has taken place, we will rise from the ashes, as a region, stronger and better. I believe that even though 70% of our churches were short on district budget giving, next quarter giving will be up with a vengeance.

But, enough about our woes. Let’s look at some of the wonderful things happening around the district this month!

September 3rd—Our Balko church is under new leadership with newly installed minister Joey Estain who started last Sunday. Joey has high hopes for the future of Balko Church of the Nasterine, planning to triple their membership within the next six months! My prayers are with Joey that he finds 10 people in Balko that don’t already attend one of their twelve other churches.  Joey is planning on raising funds for the relief effort in Houston, so if you would like to contribute, please feel free to send checks made out to him personally, and he’ll be happy to make sure those funds wind up where they’re most needed. He would also like to remind the community that the church’s doors are currently closed to refugees from the storms, but he’d be happy to open them up once all the government-run shelters between Balko, OK and Houston, TX are full.

September 10th—Floris Church of the Nasterine is having a back to school blessing/book burning this coming Sunday. Come and say a prayer with us as we ask for God’s blessing on this coming school year, and come burn all sorts of questionable reading materials. The list of sinful books slated for burning this coming Sunday includes Charles Darwin’s On the Origins of Species and Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time, as well as literary “classics” such as Anna Karenina, 1984, A Tale of Two Cities, and Hop on Pop.

September 13th—Texhoma Church of the Nasterine will be having a poetry reading in lieu of regular Wednesday services, because apparently Gay Deathrage won’t stop until churches on our district look like Europeans and New Yorkers instead of honest, God-fearing Okies. Attend such events at the risk of your own salvation, folks.

September 23rd—Ricky Joe and Billy Jack Gopherwood, brother carpenters who attend our Strong City Church of the Nasterine, are currently in the process of building a replica of Noah’s Ark. This replica is not meant as a tourist attraction: the brothers just decided that they’ve got a lot of free time on their hands and, given all the flooding happening lately, thought that an ark might be something handy to have lying around. Strong City Church is having a volunteer work day involving the project on Sept. 23rd, and they have guaranteed anyone who donates time, resources, or funds to the project a spot on the ark should the flood waters come to their area.

Hope to see you soon, my faithful Nasterines! Keep working hard on being holy, because God is watching you even closer than Big Brother.

Skip Sunday services at your own peril,

Rock Doc T

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