Thursday, November 23, 2017

Maundy Thursday and Ash Wednesday Ain't Got Nothing on Black Friday

(Honorary) Dr. John F. Tuttle, Jr.
District Superintendent
Far Right Oklahoma District
Church of the Nasterine

"Panhandling our hardest for Christ."

As I’ve finished devouring turkey and ham and prepare to wade into the sea of the unwashed masses to knock my fellow man’s teeth out for cheap electronics, I wanted to share with you all the things I’m thankful for this year:
  1. The GOP
  2. My wonderful wife Truella
  3. 6 of my 8 lovely children
  4. 27 of our 39 churches on the Far Right Oklahoma District
  5. 4 of the 22 churches I’ve pastored
  6. Our glorious denomination and all of its wonderful traditions
  7. Sinners to look down upon
  8. Other “Christian” traditions to look down upon
  9. Our wonderful Republican leadership, both here in Oklahoma and in Washington
  10. The United States of ‘Merca
  11. That Christmas continues its inexorable march towards devouring pagan holidays like Halloween
  12. Financial Prosperity
  13. Rigid Moralism
  14. Heroes of our Nasterine heritage, such as Philemon F. Brassiere, P.B.J. Chapstick, Chuckie P. Journeyman, and Cousin Buck Robertlewisstevenson
  15. The Prayer of Jabez
  16. The Lawrence Welk Show
  17. The Gaither Family
  18. The Speers Family
  19. Fox News
  20. President Trump
  21. Ronald Reagan
  22. “Trickle Down” economics
  23. Bureaucracy
  24. Those in the world still unafraid to speak the truth over and against the Liberal Agenda
  25. Jesus

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving and a bruised and bloodied Black Friday,

Rock Doc T

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Democrats to the Left of Me, Demagogues to the Right

(Honorary) Dr. John F. Tuttle, Jr.
District Superintendent
Far Right Oklahoma District
Church of the Nasterine

"Panhandling our hardest for Christ."

Friends, as I’ve mentioned before, I’m loathe to talk about politics, especially since some of you can’t accept the fact that I’m always right. But, we’ve got an important election coming up next year, and I feel like that, as your spiritual leader and advisor, I would be shirking my duties if I didn’t do everything in my power to make sure you vote the right way (*wink,wink*). Unfortunately, the wonderful and lovely Mary Fallin can’t be our governor anymore, which is a shame because she is just a treasure.  Sure, the state is facing a massive budget shortfall. And education continues to decline. And our infrastructure is falling apart. And we have earthquakes. And drought. And rising unemployment. And constant cuts to public services. And addiction issues. And rising teen pregnancy rates. But, most of these issues are likely just God’s punishment for abortion, gay rights, and exorbitant tax rates on oil companies.

With all of these issues facing our state, we need a strong, morally upright leader who supports hardline Republican values. So, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of some announced candidates for the upcoming primary election:

Dolores Umbridge


-Previous Leadership Experience
-More than willing to do or believe anything as long as it’s the “party line”
-Strict on rule of law and hates everyone who enjoys life (or questions evil dictators to try and stop them before it’s too late)



Kevin Spacey


-Previous Experience spouting awful political ideas regardless of whether he believes them
-Willing to manipulate people’s emotions if there’s a chance it might get him off the hook
-Desperate enough for people to like him he’s likely willing to do or say just about anything


-Played a Democrat on TV

Roy Moore


-Lots of previous political experience
-Charisma in spades
-Washington Outsider


-Doesn’t marry the teenage girls he solicits for sex and then divorce them later when he wants to solicit someone else for sex, as God intended

Charles Manson


-Strong Nationalist Understanding of America
-Well acquainted with needs of prison systems
-Music Lover


-Homicidal “Rough Patch”
-Possible Hippie
-Currently Incarcerated

The Joker


-Resembles our current governor enough in looks and policies to be a strong candidate for my frontrunner
-Entrepreneur, often employing multiple henchmen at any given time
-Used to operating in locations of social and economic downturn


-Opponent of vigilante justice
-Occasional mass-murderer

Well, there you have it folks. Now, I know what some of you are thinking: these candidates are lacking in the department of morality. But, sometimes we have to vote the party and trust God to change hearts. What would be the alternative? Voting for someone not part of the GOP? Not in my backyard!

Grab ‘em by the electorate,

Rock Doc T